Tag Archives: childlike

A Kid Again


Remember what it was like to be a kid? Let’s do it again. Right now. Right here.

When I was a kid, I didn’t worry about the future.

I didn’t say, “But, Mommy, how is it going to happen?” I just said, “It’s gonna happen?! WHOOPEE!”

I didn’t wonder if what I loved was the “right” thing to love; whether it would bring me what I needed. I just went on loving. And benefiting.

When I was a kid, I knew how big I was – how much a part of the unseen world I am – and I didn’t feel embarrassed about saying so, or feeling so. It was just my being!

I knew that when I spoke, something heard me. I was received. And I no longer felt alone.

Moving into being a kid again brings up the fear that I was taught to practice. But I can practice something else now: I can practice being a kid. Again.

And them I’m free.